Any website owner who doesn’t use a WordPress host is missing out on speed, reliability and potentially sales. A WordPress hosting service like Pantheon can benefit large enterprises, small individual blogging websites and anything in between. Faster website response times mean customers will stay on a website longer, have a better experience and potentially lead to sales and repeat customers. WordPress on its own is great because it’s user-friendly, but it also lacks in many areas that can be strengthened through WordPress hosting.
Benefits of WordPress Hosting
Working with a WordPress website host offers many significant benefits, including:
Faster website speeds
Increased reliability, while minimizing downtime or lag time
Enhanced security
Automatic backups to ensure you never lose all your data
Frequent updates for consistent and reliable performance
While some of these benefits can be achieved by hiring someone or gaining knowledge on how to do them yourself, WordPress hosting services like Pantheon takes care of all the leg work for you, so you can focus on driving customers to your website with confidence.
Is WordPress The Right Fit For An Enterprise?
With WordPress being so easy to use, it can seem like it’s not quite suitable for large enterprises. However, if WordPress is good enough for companies like Microsoft and Facebook, then it should be good enough for enterprises of all sizes. One of the main differences between enterprise WordPress hosting and standard WordPress hosting has to do with scalability. Enterprises have a lot at stake and need to have a complete understanding of how enterprise WordPress hosting is right for them now and in the future. Pantheon is here to explain the big picture view, as well as the minute details.
Managed WordPress Hosting Compared To Traditional Hosting
With Pantheon’s managed WordPress hosting services, you won’t have to worry about building an infrastructure, installing tools, handling setup or even supporting your website. Our managed WordPress hosting service does all of this for you and more, depending on your needs and the size of your organization. The challenge with operating your own website is it requires a significant amount of time to do so. When you have enough on your plate running your business, it’s easy for website performance to suffer, which can lead to lost customers.
Pantheon is dedicated to delivering the best WordPress hosting platform to owners of websites of various sizes. Whether you own a large enterprise or a small blog, we can tailor a hosting package to make operating your website easy, make delivering high performance effortless and take away the leg work required to maintain a website. To learn about our services and how they can fit for you, contact us today.