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Ways To Know When To Replace AC Unit

Ways To Know When To Replace AC Unit

If you’re a homeowner, one challenging decision you’d have to make is when to replace your AC unit. Even though buying a brand new air conditioner can be a huge investment, so does the maintenance costs. The big question is, how do you know when to replace AC unit? We’ve put down a few indicators to guide you make your decision.

Signs of When To Replace AC unit

1. When your air conditioner is more than a decade old

Usually, a well-maintained air conditioner can stay as long as 15 years. However, if it so happens that you require to make expensive repairs to an air conditioner that’s more than a decade old, it would be wiser to replace it instead. This is particularly true keeping in mind the major advancements in efficiency that have been made to air conditioners in the last ten years alone.

2. When you’re incurring expensive repairs

Every time you have to make an expensive repair, it’s crucial to first weigh the repair costs against the costs of purchasing a brand new unit. If you find out that the repair costs can cover a huge section of a brand new system, and your air conditioner happens to show any of the other signs highlighted, you’d be financially wiser to replace it instead.

3. AC has reduced efficiency

When your AC shows a low SEER rating, you’d have to cough more cash to operate it. Today, newly manufactured AC units should have a SEER rating ranging above 13. When the SEER rating on your AC goes below 13, you can minimize your energy costs by simply replacing it with a more efficient unit.

4. When your AC uses R 22 Freon

The federal government is phasing out Freon to conserve energy throughout the state. This has resulted in the Freon costs escalating. If somehow your AC uses Freon, then you’ll be forced to replace it, in the long run, to shift to (R410A) the new refrigerant. For those experiencing serious issues with their air conditioner, particularly if they involve the use of more Freon, it’s possibly the right time to consider replacing your unit.

5. Frequent breakdowns

If your air conditioner seems to constantly break down and you have to keep involving the professionals because of a new issue with your unit, it wouldn’t make any sense to continue making repair costs on older units. It would be wiser if you saved yourself the money and the hassle by investing in a new air conditioner unit.

6. When your home is no longer comfortable

Are you facing problems of ensuring your home stays cool? This could indicate that your air conditioner is aging or probably a wrongly sized system. Irrespective of the reason, you’d prefer when your air conditioner is properly functioning! If it fails to do its job, then you’ll have to bring a unit that will.

If you have more inquiries about when to replace your AC unit, or if you need a cooling system installed or serviced in your home, feel free to contact a respectable and reliable air conditioner installation and repair company.

What To Do After A Serious Motorcycle Accident

Summer’s coming, and that means that millions of Americans in colder climates will rediscover the joys of the outdoors after months of snow and layer after layer of clothing. For many, warmer temperatures and vibrant roadside greenery mean leisurely weekend rides or pleasant weekday commutes on their motorcycle.

As nice as it can be to feel the wind on your face, motorcycles carry the inherent risk of a high-speed collision without the protective features of an automobile. This can lead not only to injury, but to expensive property damage, namely the motorcycle itself.

It’s a fact of American life that, when there are high-dollar losses, you need to reach out to an attorney. Whether you ultimately decide you need a lawyer or not, here’s a checklist of things you can do in the immediate aftermath of a motorcycle accident to ensure that you have the strongest claim, whether to an insurance company or in a courtroom.

First, check yourself and anyone else involved in the crash for injuries. Whether it’s other riders or drivers, before you do anything else, ensure that emergency services aren’t needed. If they are, call 911 right away to request an ambulance. Otherwise, call 911 and ask for police to respond to the scene so you can make a report.

Get people and property clear of the roadway. If possible, photograph the scene and any damage to your property. Note the time of day, weather, road conditions, speed limit, and other relevant details. Your smartphone is a great tool for capturing notes like this, or even voice memos that describe the scene.

 Get contact information for others involved in the wreck, as well as things like license plate numbers, makes and models of vehicles, and insurance information. It’s normal to assume that the police will collect all of this for their report, but it’s all too common for police reports to miss key elements, or include incorrect information through human error.  This may leave you high and dry if you need to track down a crucial witness or another party from the accident.

 Speaking of the police, you’ll make things a lot easier on yourself if you make sure to write down the name and badge number of the police officer, and depending on how far from home you are, the police department they work for. You can also ask for a business card from the responding officer and the police report number.

 One key thing to keep in mind in the immediate aftermath of an accident of any kind is that you should not apologize for a wreck, or admit fault. This is true when you contact your insurance company later, as well. Be very cautious in how you talk about the crash to your insurer, because the agent you speak to will specifically be looking for reasons to deny any claims you make related to it.

 If you’re not sure how to talk to the insurance company, or if the insurance company is giving you the run-around after a motorcycle crash, contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney right away. If you’ve followed the steps above, you’ll have good documentary evidence describing the events of the day.  And the professional local attorney you retain will have a lot to go on in getting you the best payout outcome.

Louis Gertler is a Partner with the Gertler Law Firm in New Orleans, Louisiana. The law firm represents plaintiffs in personal injury matters and focuses on succession planning as well. The information above is not legal advice and we urge you to consult with a local attorney for advice regarding your individual situation.

Gertler Law Firm
935 Gravier Street,
Suite 1900
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 581-6411

Memcached System Architecture

Since you’re here, we’re sure you’ve heard about Memcached before and if you haven’t don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Our article gives a refresher about what is Memcached as well as Memcached Architecture. Read on as we continue to discuss Memcached!

Simply put, Memcached is known as a memory caching system that is used for general purposes. However, users of Memcached typically make use of its capabilities by using it to significantly increase the speed of websites that run on databases. In essence these websites are left in the hands of data caching as well as other objects which are placed into RAM in order to reduce the initial amount of external read data. And, Memcached is a completely free open-sourced software which runs on Microsoft Windows as well as Linux and OS.

Memcached architecture makes use of its client servers. However, the server used holds the associated stored key-values as clients populate and query them by key. In some cases, stored keys can be either 250 bytes or then can be somewhat bigger by being at a maximum of 1Mb. When the servers are contacted by client sided libraries, their initial service is said to be exposed at the port of 11211.

However, Memcached has been designed to readily support both UDP and TCP and each client is said to know all the servers associated. This just simply means that since servers don’t actively communicate with other servers, clients will need to know the servers that they want to contact via Memcached. And if clients or potential clients wish to either read or even set certain key values, their libraries will firstly need to calculate the key hash.

When the hash is calculated, it goes on to determine the correct server to be used. And it also provides the simplest form when it comes to sharding as well as scalable architecture among all servers involved. Additionally, for the sake of storage and even reading abilities, the server computes the second key hash. The values calculated is typically stored on RAM until further use.

In some cases, if a server runs out of RAM, it simply begins to recycle. This just means that it erases the oldest calculated values and begins to put newer ones in its place. So, if a client should ever need old values again, they can simply store it elsewhere. Older values can be stored on other databases such as the Couchbase Server or MemcachedDB.

Memcached was designed with the possibility of using it on a single unit or simultaneously. Hash tables are often rather large and span to more than one system. Memcached can be useful for a variety of situations and circumstances alike. One particular instance being when content generation is high as well as when a specific piece of content costs a lot to generate.

As we conclude we have just given you a refresher on what is Memcached as well as how the systems architecture works. Memcached was designed to facilitate several tasks according to its users. And it can be quite useful when necessary!