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Tips To A More Energy Efficient Home

Tips To A More Energy Efficient Home

An energy efficient home will not only save you lots of money in the long run but also contribute significantly to protecting the environment. Energy bills have been hitting record highs with most homes spending more than 25% of their income on these bills alone. Looking for ways to save energy, and implementing them is however the first step to making your home energy efficient. Even the simplest changes in the house can help lower your carbon footprint and bring your energy bills down as well. Here are a few tips on how to improve your homes energy efficiency.

1. Seal All Windows, Doors, And The Attic

Drafty windows, doors, and an inadequately sealed attic contribute significantly to the high heating and cooling bills. Having every drafty part of the home sealed however creates an envelope in the house, thus making it easier or HVAC systems to run smoothly. Drafts contribute to heat gain/loss, a factor that forces the HVAC system to strain to maintain the set temperature. Having these sealed (professionally or in a DIY) can make a huge difference in energy savings.

2. Lower Your Thermostat Settings

Heating and cooling appliances run almost all the time, and take up a considerable chunk of your energy bills. Taking simple measures such as turning the thermostat settings to a lower level, say 5 degrees lower than usual will help save lots of energy in the long run. One thing you need to know about temperature settings is that your body will automatically adjust to these temperatures too. Encourage everyone in the house to learn to put on heavy clothes and socks (during winter) and lighter ones (during summer) to save even more energy. You should also consider investing in a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can be programmed to turn everything down when no one is in the house, and also support zoning.

3. Invest In Energy Efficient Appliances

Many of the older appliances in the house (5 years and older) use up more energy than they should in normal operations. Take your good old refrigerator or heater, for example; these use up to 45% more power when compared to similar but newer appliances. That said, investing in new (Energy Star-Rated) appliances can see you save lots of energy in the long run. While the initial cost might be high, overall energy savings, in the long run, will be remarkable. Identify appliances that use up lots of energy and consider replacing them with Energy Star rated ones.

4. Switch To Energy Efficient Lighting

Light bulbs take up around 25% of your energy consumption. The number could be even higher depending on the type of lighting appliances you have installed in your house. Replacing incandescent and halogen bulbs with more energy efficient fluorescent lighting, CFLs, and LED bulbs could see you save loads of power in the process. You might even want to take advantage of natural light to record even better energy savings.

5. Consider Double Or Triple-Glazed Windows

Windows tend to encourage heat loss and especially if you have single-paned windows. Nonetheless, replacing these with more energy efficient double or triple glazed windows should help improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Aside from investing in energy efficient appliances, changing your lifestyle and behavior, such as turning off all appliances that are not in use, or even investing in a smart power strip can help lower your energy consumption per month.

How To Find Affordable And Stylish Mens Sunglasses

Are you in search of a new pair of mens sunglasses either, for yourself or someone you know? Maybe you don’t know where to look or how to make sure you are getting a good pair. If this is the case, you have landed in the right place. This article will give you advice that will come in handy when you are searching for mens sunglasses that are both affordable and stylish. Keep reading to learn more about where to look to find the best prices and styles around.

Search on Amazon for mens sunglasses. This website has a large assortment of sunglasses that will meet the needs of anyone’s style. If you aren’t sure what exactly you want, simply sort the results by bestsellers in that category. This will give you a page of sunglasses that are the most popular items on Amazon. Take a look at the prices and the reviews on the sunglasses that interest you. Make sure the reviews are good and the prices are reasonable. If you find something you like, add it to your cart and compare your choices later.

Check out websites that specialize in selling sunglasses. You can check out Sunglass Hut or other major retailers. Once you get to their website, select mens. From there you can sort by bestselling. You will see the most popular sunglasses available. You can also sort the results by new so you can see what has just been released. You may find something there that you like. Add the ones you like to your cart so you can decide later on which ones will work best for you.

Head to a retailer or kiosk in the mall that sells sunglasses. Many people agree that they want to try their sunglasses on before they buy them to make sure they fit right. If this is what you prefer, this is your best option when shopping. You may also find really great prices in the store, even better than the prices online. Look around and try on several pairs to make sure you like them. The color of the sunglasses when you look through them is important to many people. Pay attention to this and be sure they are what you want. You will also want to check out polarized lens on sunglasses for better visibility. While they are a little pricey, they are worth the extra cost. Check out the reviews and you will see that many people prefer these lens and claim they won’t own another pair that aren’t polarized.

Now that you have a few ideas of where to find affordable and stylish mens sunglasses, you can start your search. Visit different retailers online or visit a store in person if you prefer to try the sunglasses on before you buy them. Either way, you won’t be disappointed with your purchase when you use the advice from above. Start searching around now and you will find sunglasses you like and at a price you like too!

Reasons to Build Your Own Video Game Computer

If you spend a lot of time playing video games, you likely understand the importance of having both fast internet and a reliable, efficient computer. However, there are a wide variety of reasons you may want to consider building this computer yourself, instead of buying a prefabricated one.

Benefits of building your own computer include:

High-Quality Cooling System
When you opt to build your own video game computer, you can install the cooling system that’s right for you. Often, heavy gaming use causes a PC to get fairly warm fairly quickly, so it’s important that you have fans and cooling systems that are up to the task. General purpose PCs will technically work for playing online games, but you may find that you experience lag, or that your computer crashes entirely when you really try to put it through its paces. If dropping group because your computer crashed in the middle of a dungeon isn’t your idea of a good time, you’ll want to make sure that your PC’s cooling system is up to the task.

Less Expensive
If you try to buy a gaming computer that’s pre-assembled and has the specs that you need, you may find that it’s quite expensive. However, if you purchase a PC case and then select each component yourself, assembling a video game computer that’s precisely what you need, you can actually save quite a bit of money while doing so. A custom build, in this case, is actually cheaper – especially if you spend some time watching websites for sales on the computer parts that you need.

Better Quality Parts
When you build your own gaming PC, you can also opt for higher quality components. You can select the motherboard and video card you want. Even better, you can choose pieces that can be upgraded easily at a later date, instead of buying a computer that has each component permanently mounted to the motherboard. You’ll wind up with parts that are better quality, and that often carry their own individual warranties. Overall, this makes for a much higher quality machine that is easier to repair and upgrade as the need arises.

Design the PC for a Specific Game
Individuals that tend to play one computer game regularly may also find that there’s a distinct advantage to building a PC for that specific game. Whether you enjoy World of Warcraft, Fallout, Overwatch, or Borderlands, it may make sense to determine what customizations you need to make your PC run best for that specific game. Do you want it to run as fast as possible, or do you want the graphics to be as bright and crisp as you can get them? Do you want to spend additional money for both options? The sky really is the limit when you opt to build your own machine.

When you’re ready to start creating the PC that’s right for you, start researching the parts and components you need. As you learn how to assemble your computer, you’ll be gaining valuable skills that can last a lifetime.