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Tips To A More Energy Efficient Home

Tips To A More Energy Efficient Home

An energy efficient home will not only save you lots of money in the long run but also contribute significantly to protecting the environment. Energy bills have been hitting record highs with most homes spending more than 25% of their income on these bills alone. Looking for ways to save energy, and implementing them is however the first step to making your home energy efficient. Even the simplest changes in the house can help lower your carbon footprint and bring your energy bills down as well. Here are a few tips on how to improve your homes energy efficiency.

1. Seal All Windows, Doors, And The Attic

Drafty windows, doors, and an inadequately sealed attic contribute significantly to the high heating and cooling bills. Having every drafty part of the home sealed however creates an envelope in the house, thus making it easier or HVAC systems to run smoothly. Drafts contribute to heat gain/loss, a factor that forces the HVAC system to strain to maintain the set temperature. Having these sealed (professionally or in a DIY) can make a huge difference in energy savings.

2. Lower Your Thermostat Settings

Heating and cooling appliances run almost all the time, and take up a considerable chunk of your energy bills. Taking simple measures such as turning the thermostat settings to a lower level, say 5 degrees lower than usual will help save lots of energy in the long run. One thing you need to know about temperature settings is that your body will automatically adjust to these temperatures too. Encourage everyone in the house to learn to put on heavy clothes and socks (during winter) and lighter ones (during summer) to save even more energy. You should also consider investing in a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can be programmed to turn everything down when no one is in the house, and also support zoning.

3. Invest In Energy Efficient Appliances

Many of the older appliances in the house (5 years and older) use up more energy than they should in normal operations. Take your good old refrigerator or heater, for example; these use up to 45% more power when compared to similar but newer appliances. That said, investing in new (Energy Star-Rated) appliances can see you save lots of energy in the long run. While the initial cost might be high, overall energy savings, in the long run, will be remarkable. Identify appliances that use up lots of energy and consider replacing them with Energy Star rated ones.

4. Switch To Energy Efficient Lighting

Light bulbs take up around 25% of your energy consumption. The number could be even higher depending on the type of lighting appliances you have installed in your house. Replacing incandescent and halogen bulbs with more energy efficient fluorescent lighting, CFLs, and LED bulbs could see you save loads of power in the process. You might even want to take advantage of natural light to record even better energy savings.

5. Consider Double Or Triple-Glazed Windows

Windows tend to encourage heat loss and especially if you have single-paned windows. Nonetheless, replacing these with more energy efficient double or triple glazed windows should help improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Aside from investing in energy efficient appliances, changing your lifestyle and behavior, such as turning off all appliances that are not in use, or even investing in a smart power strip can help lower your energy consumption per month.