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Tips On How To Find Your Lost Dog

Tips On How To Find Your Lost Dog

There is a reason why they say that dogs are man’s best friend – they are always there for you when you need them, providing companionship, love, and a lot of laughter. When you own a dog, they find their way into your heart and become an essential part of your family. That is why it is so frightening when you discover that they are missing.

Losing a dog is something that no one should ever have to go through. Unfortunately, it happens all too often. Dogs often get curious and wander away or run off chasing after something interesting. Once they are gone, they sometimes can’t find their way home, becoming hopelessly lost. They might get taken in by a kind stranger, picked up by animal control, or simply wander the streets searching for a way home.

It is hard not to feel a deep sense of dread and panic when you lose your dog. The good news is, a large percentage of the dogs that are lost each year do find their way home. To improve your chances of success, check out these tips on how to find your lost dog:

1. Contact local animal shelters. When people find lost dogs, they usually drop them off at a nearby shelter. Accurately describe your dog, including any important features or characteristics. If possible, provide the shelter with a photo of your pet. With any luck, your dog will be there waiting to get picked up.

2. Contact animal control. Most cities have an animal control department that is responsible for picking up free-roaming dogs, cats, and other pets. Reach out to animal control in your area to see if they recently found your dog. If they did, they can tell you where they took him and can provide you with instructions on how to get him back.

3. Reach out to local veterinarians. If someone happens upon your dog, they might take it to a local veterinarian to have it scanned for a microchip. Contact vets in your area to let them know that your dog is missing. That way, if someone does bring them in, they can contact you right away.

4. Print up flyers. Find a clear, close-up photo of your pet. Use it to put together a missing pet flyer. Decide whether or not you want to offer a reward to the person who finds them. Include your contact details so that people can easily reach you. Post the fliers everywhere you can think of.

5. Post ads on local classified sites and in your newspaper. Include a clear photo of your pet. Leave out one unique characteristic or feature that can be used to identify them. When people respond to your ad, ask them to describe your pet in detail. If they don’t mention the characteristic that you left out of your ad, they could be trying to scam you.

The most important thing to keep in mind when trying to find your lost dog is that you should never give up hope. As long as you are diligent and stick with your search, you should eventually be reunited with your best friend.

Using Memcached to Speed up Your Python Applications

Python is a great tool for processing data. Unfortunately, if you are dealing with large datasets, then you may find that your applications perform rather slowly. Using a cache to avoid having to reperform calculations or access a slow database repeatedly could massively improve the performance of your apps.

There are some useful caching tools built-in to python, but their use is limited to local datasets. If you are working with cloud data, then you may need something more powerful, such as memcached.

Memcached and Distributed Data

Memcached is an open source tool which is available for Linux, Windows and macOS. To make use of memcached, you will need to install it and then also install the client library for Python.

Once you have set it up, using memcached is quite easy. In essence, memcached works like a dictionary. It has keys and values, which are set when you update the cache, and that will expire after a pre-defined time (to ensure that the data in the cache is current). You can set the expiration time, in seconds, for the data in memcached to stay valid. After that time expires, the old data is removed from the cache. Depending on the nature of the data that you ar working with the expiration time could be as short as a few seconds, or it could be several hours. The important thing to remember is that the data should not be allowed to become stale. If the cache can hold data for longer than it takes to perform the calculations, then you should see a performance increase.

Why Flush Memcached?

Caches should be flushed for two reasons. Firstly, if the data becomes stale then the application won’t provide users with accurate information. The cache should be a relatively recent reflection of what is in the main database. Secondly, the cache cannot continue to grow and grow because eventually, the server will run out of memory.

Canonical vs Cache

The data in the main database in the cloud is known as the canonical data source. The data in the cache is simply a reflection of that. Sometimes, when you go to query the cache you might find that keys are missing because they have been flushed, and you will need to query the cache to update that. Your Python Memcache client will have a class that can do that. If you are using pyememcache, for example, there is a fallback class that allows you to refresh your cached data if the cache is empty.

Caching and Scalability

Caching is just one element of scaling your Python applications. If you have a database on a remote server, multiple cloud instances, and are working with distributed computing then you will need to optimize your code for that. The simple scripts you used while learning Python may not be robust enough to handle huge cloud applications. Caching is at the cornerstone of scalability, however, and can greatly speed up data-intensive web applications or apps that work over the Internet.

The Steps After a Car Wreck You Should Take

Nobody wants to get into a car accident. However, if you have experienced a collision it is important to take action with care. In this article, we will discuss the steps after a car wreck that you should take.

1. Get Off the Road

The first thing that you should do is to safely take your vehicle off the road. You are going to need to stay at the scene of the crash until the police report has been completed, but until that time, your vehicle should not serve as a hazard to other travelers on the road. Pull over where you can, and turn on your hazard lights.

2. Check On Everyone Involved in the Accident

Once you and the other party in the car crash are off the road, check to make sure everyone is okay. If there has been an injury, immediately call 911. Otherwise, contact the police to come out and make a report of the accident. Remember to stay at the scene of the accident until you are given the clear to leave.

3. Collect Statements and Information

The police will make a report of the accident, and it’s a wise idea to retain a copy of this for your records. Also, speak with the other parties involved in the crash. You will need to exchange information with each other in order to move forward. Get the name of the person driving the other vehicle, as well as contact information such as a phone number, address, and email address. Their insurance information is also a must-have. If there are other passengers of their vehicle, get their information as well. Be willing to give your information to the other driver, too. Remember to speak calmly and respectfully to the other individuals involved in the crash.

One thing to bear in mind: Do not apologize for anything or admit fault, as this can put you in a position of legal liability. Rather, allow the police to make their report. If there were witnesses to the car accident, ask them for their information as well, if they are willing to give it, just in case you may need to contact them at a later date.

4. Get a Medical Check-Up

If you are injured, you want to get medical help right away. However, even if you feel completely fine you do not know for sure if there is a problem that your body is not letting you know about right away. Therefore, it is imperative that you get checked as soon as possible.

5. Contact Your Insurance Agency

This is another vital action to take when it comes to the steps after a car wreck. Contact your insurance agency right away and alert them to the accident. Be sure to tell them the truth about everything. If you lie to your insurance agency and they catch you in your untruth(s), you could get into serious trouble and even end up having to cover the damages yourself.

Nobody wants to experience a car wreck, but if you find yourself in this position, take these steps to ensure that you get on with life as smoothly as possible.