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Cooling Mattresses: Why They’re The Product You Can’t Live Without!

Cooling Mattresses: Why They’re The Product You Can’t Live Without!

In a recently conducted sleep study, it was concluded that 77 percent of people lose quality sleep in the summer. Why? Simply put, most mattresses contribute to overheating and hyperventilation as a result of heat retention. This is a problem that is easily addressed by a change of mattress. Purchasing cooling mattresses offers benefits that very few homeowners think to even consider!

No Heat Retention To Speak Of!

The reason you find yourself sticky with sweat when the better weather rolls around is due to your mattress trapping heat. Unlike cooling mattresses that disperse heat in all angles, traditional foam mattresses trap them and leave you feeling sticky. Brands that advertise their mattresses as having a cooling effect utilize a gel layer in their products. The gel is able to sense body heat and actively pull it away from your body.

Improve Your Weight Loss Efforts

Very few people equate weight loss with a cooling mattress, but did you know they can speed up your metabolism? The volume of brown fat is increased in your body and it can help you digest foods faster and handle insulin sensitivity. The right mattress and turning your thermostat lower can all help you get a much better night’s sleep.

Feel Better Refreshed Every Night

Everyone tells you to get a good night’s sleep to feel rested. The problem is that it isn’t always easy to sleep during the summer weather. When you have heat retention with your mattress to worry about as well as a stuffy room, getting enough sleep is a struggle. Mattresses that have a cooling effect are able to help you feel more refreshed and aid in regulating your body temperatures. This way, you feel less cranky and can tackle anything the following day.

Feel More Comfortable With Your Mattress

No one can argue that in order to get more comfortable with your mattress, you need additional cushioning. Most companies claim to have the perfect combination of foam layers to help you sleep better, but unless those layers include a gel layer, they still remain uncomfortable. Gel foam mattresses aren’t just great for ventilation and feeling like you can breathe at night, but ideal for feeling comfort and getting to sleep on time.

You Can Help Our Environment

More than ever before, we are starting to pay attention to the result of our overspending and using too many products. Many foam cooling mattresses aren’t just long-lasting and highly comfortable, but they address a very real environmental problem. Though polyurethane foam still remains popular, there are botanical based options available that not only include fewer chemicals, but are great for our environment.

Getting the recommended amount of sleep is often a struggle for adults. You may feel tired and cranky, but more often than not, your mattress significantly contributes to this issue. By choosing a mattress with not just your level of comfort but a cooling effect, you can help aid your metabolism while feeling cooler during the warmer months of the year.

Underground Water Retention Matters Long After The Storm Is Over

When it’s raining, the last thing you’re likely doing is thinking about the ground underneath you. Sure, you might be concerned about the mud you might walk through or the puddles you wind up splashing as you drive around. However, you’re more likely focused on what’s above you. That could be the rain hitting your umbrella as you hope to point it at the right angle that keeps you dry. It might also be the pitter patter of rain drops on the roof over you, as you hope there aren’t any leaks that might stain the ceiling overhead. You might even just be focused on the rain coming down on your vehicle as you adjust your speed and lights to something safe, while figuring out what frequency to keep your windshield wipers on.

The one thing you’re likely looking up for, and certainly looking forward to, is the clouds parting and the sun coming back out so the rain is finally over. Once it does, the waters that are still on the ground will start giving way. Puddles dry up, and a lot of water will flow downhill to the closest streams or stormwater drains, where it starts to make its flowing exit to lower elevations and places down the river.

Having said that, not all water will do this. Underground water retention will happen, too, as the soil and terrain absorb a lot of the water. Depending on the composition of the soil, it can act a lot like a sponge or mop in how much water it can absorb and retain. Some will stay near the surface, but a lot will also just follow gravity down underground, possibly joining the underground water table, if one is present.

Underground water retention matters long after the storm is over, and for many reasons. For starters, the underground water table in some places is being depleted much faster than it’s being replenished by nature. This is an area of concern in some agricultural states in the Midwest and West that might have to find new water sources within decades, if not years.

In places where flooding and erosion are concerns, the retention of water underground proves crucial since it means it takes longer for water to get into the waterways and start draining away. This is a big benefit in avoiding flooding or rivers backing up. Then again, if another storm happens while the ground is already soaked, then it can mean no more water is absorbed and flooding does actually happen.

As it stands, too much water retention in the ground can be a huge flooding risk. Then again, not having enough water retention in the same ground can also be a big flooding risk.

Considering how much more ground is covered up by buildings, concrete, asphalt, and pavement than before, there’s also simply less ground area available to directly absorb water, and while you might think the water could move sideways underground to get underneath artificial surfaces, this isn’t generally a good idea since it can mean shifting and cracking foundations.

The Benefits Of Using Natural Cosmetics And Beauty Products

Cosmetics can enhance your appearance, drawing attention to your favorite features. By using makeup, you can create a variety of different looks, whether you want to go with a simple natural look for daytime or something more dramatic at night.

Although there are a lot of different types of makeup on the market, you should think about switching to natural cosmetics. These makeup products, which are made using only natural ingredients, provide all of the following benefits:

1. Environmentally friendly. Natural makeup products are usually made using organic, plant-based ingredients. All of the plants that are used in the production of the makeup are grown in fields that are not treated with chemicals. Supporting organic farming helps ensure that fewer toxic chemicals find their way into the environment. As an added bonus, any of the products that you use that get washed down the drain or thrown away won’t contaminate your local water supply or your city’s landfill.

2. Gentler on your skin. As a general rule of thumb, natural products are better for your skin than synthetic products. Problems like irritation or breakouts are a lot less likely to occur when you use products with mild, naturally occurring ingredients. Of course, if you are prone to allergies or if you have sensitive skin, you should always test makeup on a small patch of skin before applying it to your entire face, even if it is completely natural. All in all, however, the likelihood of having a reaction is a lot lower with natural products.

3. Healthier. Your skin is permeable, meaning that any products that you apply to it are absorbed into your body. Even though cosmetics are tested for safety, it isn’t ideal to apply synthetic chemicals to your skin on a regular basis. Over a long period of time, these chemicals can have an effect on your health. For instance, some cosmetic ingredients can disrupt your endocrine system, interfering with the production of hormones. Products with natural ingredients are usually much safer. They are less likely to contain harmful ingredients. That means that you can use them with confidence.

4. Natural makeup is usually cruelty-free. Brands that use natural ingredients in their cosmetics usually don’t engage in animal testing. That means that no animals have to suffer in order for you to look your best. You can feel good about the products that you purchase, knowing that no harm came to any innocent animals while they were being made or tested. You can check whether or not a cosmetic brand is cruelty-free by looking it up online.

If you haven’t already, you should consider switching to natural cosmetics and beauty products. These products are generally a lot safer to use since they don’t contain as many harsh ingredients. They also tend to be much better for the environment, both when they are being produced and when you throw them away. They are a lot less likely to cause irritation or breakouts and you don’t have to worry about absorbing strange chemicals through your skin. Given all of these benefits, it is easy to see why natural makeup is a great choice.