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How to Design Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

How to Design Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

When you design any room in your house, you want it to be both stylish and functional. This is especially true for your bedroom, which is where you engage in one of the most important activities for your health and wellbeing – sleep.

Whether or not you have trouble sleeping, making your bedroom a peaceful and serene environment can have a big impact on the quality of sleep you get. We asked the experts at Mattress Advisor for some tips on how to make your bedroom a sleep oasis.

  • Choose the right wall color

Painting the walls in your bedroom in a calming hue like soft pastels or relaxing blues can actually trigger your brain to feel relaxed, which is important when you’re getting ready for sleep.

  • Remove any clutter

It’s not uncommon for dirty laundry and other miscellaneous items to pile up in your bedroom. While you might think no one will see it, having a cluttered bedroom can actually evoke feelings of anxiety and uneasiness, making it difficult to fall asleep at night. Make sure to keep your bedroom tidy and neat.

  • Choose the right mattress

This probably doesn’t come as a surprise, but your mattress can be the difference between poor sleep and deep slumber. Make sure your mattress is still in good condition and offers the right level of support for your body. If you’re consistently waking up feeling groggy or pain, it might be time for a new mattress.

  • Install the right lighting

Make sure the lighting in your bedroom isn’t too bright. Bright lights can make it harder to fall asleep, while dimly lit, warm lights can help signal your brain that it’s time to wind down.  

  • Set your room at the right temperature

For many people, temperatures between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for sleep. It’s best to keep your bedroom temperature cool but not too cold.

In general, you want to make sure your bedroom is a place that you enjoy being in. Don’t think of it as an afterthought, because sleep is one of the most critical activities and you want to get the best quality possibly.